Title: SM's S&M Part 1 Pairing: HanChul; background QMi Rating: (this part)PG-15 Summary/Notes: Hankyung finds himself in an S&M club, and completely fascinated by the man in the mask. Blame gamia. She said Heechul would be the gagged-and-bound type, and then BoA's "Dress Off" started playing.
Title: Thoughtful Pairing: QMi Rating: NC-17 Summary/Notes: PWP, window-sex, blatant indulgence in my own kinks. Typing this entirely on my iPod D: Please let me know of any typos/grammar mistakes
Title: Nightmares Rating: G Pairing: QMi Genre: Fluff Summary/Notes: Why Kyuhyun hardly ever sleeps~ Crappy summary. I apologize. Kyu has nightmares about the accident(much better =w= but it still sucks?) not!HanChul :O